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  • dr Ewa Kulesza
    Data certificate Business certificate Project certificate
    dr Ewa Kulesza
    The Inspector General for Personal Data Protection in the years 1998-2006
    Dr Ewa Kulesza holds a Law degree from the University of Łódź, where she conducted research on social service administration. In 1984, Dr Ewa Kulesza completed her doctoral degree. Dr Ewa Kulesza is the author ....
    dr Ewa Kulesza

    Dr Ewa Kulesza holds a Law degree from the University of Łódź, where she conducted research on social service administration. In 1984, Dr Ewa Kulesza completed her doctoral degree. Dr  Kulesza is the author of more than 50 publications on social law and personal data protection issues. She was also an advisor at the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. In the years 1996-1998, Dr Ewa Kulesza was an advisor for judicial decisions at the Constitutional Tribunal.

    In April of 1998, dr Ewa Kulesza was nominated for the  General Inspector for Personal Data Protection position, which she held for two terms, until 2006. At that time, she was responsible for organisation of national and international conferences on personal data protection issues like the Conference to Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the Adoption of Convention 108 by the European Council (Warsaw, November 2001), 26th International Conference on Privacy and Personal Data Protection (Wrocław, September 2004), European Conference of Personal Data Protection Ombundsmen (Cracow, April 2005). For her international achievements, in 2004 Ewa was awarded the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany. Since 2006, dr Ewa Kulesza has returned to research at the Institute of Social Insurance Law and Social Policy at the University of Łódź.

  • Prof. Ryszard Pregiel
    Business certificate Project certificate
    Prof. Ryszard Pregiel
    The President of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology
    Prof. Ryszard Pregiel holds degrees in Technology, Mathematics and Economics. He completed his doctoral and postdoctoral ...
    Prof. Ryszard Pregiel

    Prof. Ryszard Pregiel holds degrees in Technology, Mathematics and Economics. He completed his doctoral and postdoctoral degrees in Technical Sciences at the Wrocław University of Technology. He participated in long-term vocational and academic internships abroad, among others at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Bell Telephone Laboratory (USA) and Control Data Corporation (USA).

    He led a number of computer science projects which resulted in the development and launching of highly technologically advanced products. In the years 1985-1990, Prof. Pregiel worked as Undersecretary of State in the Committee for Scientific and Technical Progress. He was also Secretary at the Office of the President of the European Parliament.

    Currently, Prof. Ryszard Pregiel is a member of many prestigious committees and research councils, engineering associations as well as technological and scientific editor's offices such as: the Committee for Scientific and Technical Progress by the Council of Ministers, the Committee on Informatics of Polish Academy of Sciences (2 terms), Telecommunications Division of the Committee on Electronics and Telecommunications of Polish Academy of Sciences. For his achievements, Prof Pregiel received a number of national and international prizes.

  • Alicja Matela
    Data certificate Business certificate Project certificate
    Alicja Matela
    Business Expert
    Alicja Matela graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics with MA degree in Economics. In the 1980s and 1990s, she was employed on managerial positions in a number of central state ...
    Alicja Matela

    Alicja Matela graduated from the Warsaw School of Economics with MA degree in Economics. In the 1980s and 1990s, she was employed on managerial positions in a number of central state institutions.

    At the end of the nineties, she began her career in consulting. As a result, she participated in many demanding, consulting and training projects for both private and state entities.

    Since the beginning of the 21st century, Alicja Matela is a successful entrepreneur on the consulting market. In 2007, she actively co-operated with the Polish Confederation Lewiatan which unites private employers. For many years, she has also co-operated as an expert with the Polish Chamber of Commerce for High Technology. 

    Alicja Matela has extensive experience in the field of personal data protection as most of the projects she was involved in were closely related to this problem.

  • Adam Myziak
    Adam Myziak
    The Inspector for Personal Data Protection in the years 2000-2010
    Adam has a degree in Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics from the Warsaw University of Technology. While he was studying, he gained his first work experience in the ....
    Adam Myziak

    Main auditor in PDP Group.

    Adam Myziak has a degree in Technical Physics and Applied Mathematics from Warsaw University of Technology. While he was studying, he gained his first work experience in the Internal Audit Department in National Bank of Poland.

    Adam Myziak has 10 years’ experience as an Inspector in the Office of the Inspector General for Personal Data Protection - he conducted about 400 inspections and guarantees detailed advisory expertise. He has extensive knowledge on personal data protection issues on the Polish market and is one of the most respected experts on personal data protection in the country.

    By his involvement in the number of conferences, trainings and workshops, as an expert Adam Myziak promotes good practices in the field of personal data protection. He is also the author of many publications on personal data protection issues in different industries and environments.

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