
New standards in personal data protection

By certifying your organisation you not only demonstrate to your customers, contractors and stakeholders your commitment to the best practices and transparency in your business but you also protect your company against financial penalties and incidents which can damage its reputation.


In 2014, the European Union will implement new regulations on personal data protection. The European Union is planning to enforce regulations on personal data protection and to increase financial penalties for not obeying the law.

In order to help you achieve excellence in business standards and procedures, PDP Group has designed a unique certification path in the field of data protection for companies which aim to act in accordance with common law.

Certification gives your organisation competitive advantage on the market. It is a clear sign for the public that your company acts in accordance with the strict regulations ensuing from the common law on personal data protection. A PDP Certificate demonstrates to your customers, staff, suppliers and stakeholders that you are committed to ensuring the highest standards of personal data protection.

A company which successfully completed the certification trail, automatically improves its reputation on the market. PDP Certificate not only creates positive company image but also includes it in the elite group of institutions which are committed to personal data protection issues.

PDP Group is the first institution which offers 3 types of certificates which line up with different levels and needs regarding personal data processing within various organisations.


 For customers, it is a clear sign that you can be trusted and your company gives priority to data protection issues.


Products and services which are sold by certified companies are more attractive for individuals whose data are processed.


PDP certificates are issued by an independent group of experts, which increases the level of data protection standards and brings new quality to this field of the market.


If you are interested in details on different types of certificates, click here to find out more:




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